Sunday, February 5, 2012

First day

Did you know that Sunday is the first day of the week?  I always thought it was Monday.

Anyway, my Mom always says "Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Go out and make it special!" and that's exactly what I'm going to do.  I'm going to go to the Field Museum today and sketch.

I can't draw very well but I'm trying to learn!

If you're at the museum today and you see a tall bespectacled girl drawing dinosaurs come by and say hi!


  1. I'm watching the Super Bowl. maybe you can post your drawings tomorrow so we can see?

  2. There's an ice skating rink at Millineum Park if you like to skate.

    1. I took your suggestion too. I went to the rink but didn't have anyone to skate with:(


Please leave a message. If you've got the time to give a girl some good advice I'd appreciate it!